Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Life Defining Moments

Those that know me personally and know me well have heard me say "life defining moments".  It's my personal belief that in life we are presented with moments in our life that can act as "life defining moments". These are moments in your personal life that shape the individual you are, that can alter your "path" in life, that will be memorable and you will be able to recall throughout your life.

These are the moments that make us who we are, shape our future and can change the way we "think" & the way we "do". There are other moments in our lives that are simply that, moments. These are things that happen and they are the things that don't change who we are as a person, they also don't change our direction in life. Now, that doesn't mean you can't and don't learn from those typical moments or experiences, but it does mean you weren't changed by it. 

Don't let "typical moments" influence the way you live your life. A typical moment can be something as simple as someone being promoted before you, you have felt you worked hard and think that you deserve the recognition. Does this change you as a person? No, you still are employed, still in the same position, still receiving pay. Your pride may be bruised a bit, but did YOU actually change? 

Now, a "life defining moment" is just that, it defines you as a person, it has the ability to change how you "think & do".  One of my personal life defining moments was when I was about 11 years old and I was at the racetrack with my parents, our horse was racing that night and we were there early to watch them warm up and so my parents could speak with our trainer prior to the night's big race. My dad was talking to our racehorse trainer Jim Maple, whom I had idolized as what a man should be to his daughter. I was standing nearby them both as they had a conversation and wanted to ask my dad a question. I of course said, "excuse me (because you didn't address him any other way, or dare to interrupt) dad, when you have a minute I want to ask you something". He ignored me, he wouldn't even so much as make eye contact. I waited for what seemed like an hour, I'm certain it wasn't, but as a child that of course was the feeling. Jim stopped the conversation and told my dad that I had been waiting to ask him something. My dad told Jim I could wait and that whatever I had to say wasn't important. Jim shook his head as if he was disappointed in my father's response. I waited longer and wanted to be recognized so I tapped my dad's side and said excuse me again. This time my response was a slap to the face so powerful that it knocked me to the cold hard cement. My face instantly felt the heat of the blood rushing to my cheek, swelling was nearly instant and my hands were stained with gravel imbedded in my palms. I was embarrassed and started to cry. 

It was what happened next that defined the way I thought as a person. Jim told my father if he ever touched me again he would have to involve himself and that he would no longer affiliate himself as our trainer. Jim stood up for me, he intervened, he made a difference in the way I thought as a person. I knew that the way my dad treated me throughout my life was wrong and now others did too. I knew then that one person had the ability to make a change in someone else's life if they cared, if they spoke up. This defined the way I thought as a child and the way I still think as an adult. This was one of many of my life defining moments. Jim passed away a few years ago, to this day he still touches my heart. In my book I will share more details about how Jim influenced me as a person. 

Things to reflect on: Who has influenced you? What have your life defining moments been? How did they shape you?

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